Talk On Code Of Conduct
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Talk On Code Of Conduct

  • Date of Event: 17-03-2022
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

To encourage a deeper understanding and adherence to ethical guidelines and standards in the professional sphere, particularly within the realm of technology and coding, the Ethical Committee held a Code of Conduct Talk for undergraduate and postgraduate students on March 17, 2022, in the college auditorium. The main topic of discussion at the event was the significance, tenets, and practical implementation of codes of conduct in many professional contexts. Dr. Anila S, the head of the department of periodontics, started off with an introduction, going over the meaning and notion of a code of conduct. The event's goals were to draw attention to how crucial good communication is in dentistry practice and to give dental practitioners the resources and techniques they need to become more fluent in language. The discussion also delved into the core values—integrity, respect, accountability, and transparency—that give rise to a strong code of conduct. The application of these ideas to actual situations was the background against which they were discussed. Participants were encouraged to share their thoughts, experiences, and insights regarding the application of the code of conduct and problems in different professional settings through the event's interactive discussions. This interactive element made it possible for knowledge sharing and peer learning.

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